Visualizing Sustainable Commuting

Posted on: 02/23/10

For those interested in both sustainable transportation and cool information visualizations, there's this:




This is just a guess, but as somebody who is a nwibee to using CMS, I was asking myself a similar question: I want to use Drupal (or some other CMS) to maintain a site that until now has consisted mainly of static web pages. Visitors of the site do not and should not be able to log in nor should they see any log-in form. So the first thing I asked myself after I installed Drupal and browsed to the default generated site is:  how to remove the login form so that site visitors do not see that one can log in to this site at all.What I really would like though is a way that totally disallows any log in for visitors from the WAN and only allows admin logins from our company-internal LAN.

By Hector on 2015 07 13

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By Angus Rowland on 2019 05 15

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